MIDI Music Pedals




3 weeks


Physical Computing




3 weeks


Physical Computing




3 weeks


Physical Computing

ArtSpotter Blog in Framer
ArtSpotter Blog in Framer
ArtSpotter Blog in Framer

Idea Generation

The inspiration for our MIDI music pedals project was driven by a desire to explore innovative ways of musical interaction.

In a world where most musical instruments are traditionally played with our hands, we questioned whether the untapped potential of our feet could be harnessed for musical expression. This led us to embark on a creative journey to design foot-operated MIDI controllers that would not only redefine how music is played but also expand accessibility to music-making for those who may have limited hand mobility.

Making Process:

Our journey began with the implementation of MIDI technology on Arduino. The following steps highlight the key stages of our project:

Setting Up MIDI on Arduino:

  1. Install MIDI Library: The initial step involved configuring the MIDI capabilities on the Arduino platform. This required the installation of essential MIDI libraries, including USB-MIDI by Lathoub and the Midi Library.

  2. Hardware Setup with Potentiometer:

    • To create our foot-operated MIDI controllers, we set up a breadboard with potentiometers, allowing precise foot control.

    • The Arduino Nano was connected to a computer and our custom code was executed.

  3. Integration with MIDI Software:

    • We seamlessly integrated our foot pedals with MIDI software, such as MIDI CITY.

    • The software settings were configured to recognize input from the Arduino Nano, specifically the Nano 33 IoT.

  4. Playing MIDI with Potentiometer:

    • With the setup complete, we had the exhilarating experience of translating foot movements into MIDI notes and controlling volume.

Two Potentiometers Testing with MIDI:

  • The top right potentiometer was designed to control note changes, while the bottom potentiometer adjusted volume.

  • A challenge arose regarding volume control, specifically the transition between high and low volumes. To address this issue, we discovered that MIDI CITY could not effectively manage volume adjustments using two Arduino Nano 33 IOT boards. Consequently, we decided to employ Ableton for volume mapping, allowing for more seamless transitions.

  • Link to the code: https://gist.github.com/adupon/9a49ae1576b3e5b8a375ff681bcfc3e2

Using Accelerometer Sensor with MIDI City

Designing the Foot Pedals:

Sketch: Made with wood on both top and bottom, and use sponges or spring as support.

  • Our foot pedals were meticulously designed and crafted. We opted for a combination of wooden surfaces for both the top and bottom portions.

  • To ensure comfort and precision, we used either sponges or springs as support mechanisms. While springs proved too rigid, sponges offered better press distances.

    Testing Wood pedal with spring support. – Too tight, the flexibility is not enough for 7 note changes.

    Testing Wood Pedal with sponge support – feels better, gives more press distances.

  • The final foot pedal design involved wooden blocks supported by sponges and was coated with black fabric for a more tactile feel. Sponges were also positioned underneath the bottom wood block to enhance the stepping experience.


  • Initial testing involved musician I-Jon Hsieh, who learned how each foot pedal functioned and performed a snippet of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." The initial experience revealed that mastering the foot pedals was not without its challenges.

  • Second test.

    The volume from high to low switches to low to high when the pedals are pressed, so the volume will be off when not pressed.

    Another possibility is the tube rolling to play music on MiDi with the same software

    Currently, it can only play 5 notes, C, D, E, G, and A.


The MIDI music pedals project represents a unique exploration into musical interaction and technological innovation. By venturing into the realm of foot-operated MIDI controllers, we sought to redefine music-making possibilities and enhance accessibility. Challenges were met with creative solutions, including the integration of Ableton for volume control. The project is a testament to the fusion of technology and artistry, offering a unique perspective on the endless possibilities of musical expression.

Link to the midi Volume Pedal Code;

Link to the midi Note Pedal Code;

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