Hand Puppy Game - Merging Puppetry and Interactive Gameplay


Team with Shuhao He & Cynthis Ye.


3 weeks


Physical Computing


Team with Shuhao He & Cynthis Ye.


3 weeks


Physical Computing


Team with Shuhao He & Cynthis Ye.


3 weeks


Physical Computing

Project Overview:

The Hand Puppy Game is an innovative exploration that seamlessly blends the world of physical puppetry with interactive gameplay in P5.js. This unique project incorporates the measurement of heart rate to dynamically set the time limit, bringing a new dimension to game dynamics.

Inspired by the popular movie "Squid Game," this project invites players to control characters on the screen using hand puppets. The lion puppet is tasked with controlling the Lion character, while the rabbit puppet takes the role of moving the Rabbit character. However, there's a twist – players need to bend the puppets to make the characters move.

Playtesting Example:

Game Mechanics:

In the Hand Puppy Game, the characters move in a straight line, chasing each other. The game begins with the lion character behind the rabbit character. If the lion catches the rabbit, the lion wins. Conversely, if the rabbit manages to chase down the lion, the rabbit is victorious.

The game introduces an element of suspense when music is played. During this phase, both players must stop all movements. If either player moves during the music, they lose the game. This concept is inspired by the red light and green light game from the movie "Squid Game." Players must not only advance but also halt abruptly at a specified time to avoid losing.

Sensors and Arduino Integration:

The project involves the use of sensors and Arduino integration to achieve this unique gameplay experience.

  1. Heart Rate Sensor: The clock's speed in the game is influenced by the player's heartbeat rate. As the heart rate increases, the clock's color transparency also increases as the time limit approaches. Heartrate Sensor clock. P5.Js CodeArduino Code

    Testing Heart rate Sensor

  2. Flex Sensors: Flex sensors are employed to detect the bending of the hand puppets. In Arduino, the numbers decrease when the flex sensor is bent. The straight position registers a data range of 90-110 while bending results in a lower data range, around 20. This data is utilized to move the characters on the screen in P5.js.

    Testing Flex Sensors. P5.js Code |Arduino Code

    Start with reading values in the numbers. Then, connect P5.js with Arduino to move the two balls straight forward by bending two flex sensors

Character Design:

The game features two characters – a lion and a rabbit, represented by pixel images. The lion replaces the red circle, and the rabbit replaces the white circle used during the initial flex sensor testing for the chasing game.

Combine things together

Final P5.js CodeArduino Code

Playtesting Example:

Physical Container Setup:

To enhance the interaction, the flex sensors are meticulously stitched in the center of the hand puppets, allowing the sensors to be wrapped around the player's fingers. This setup enables players to control character movements through hand puppet gestures.

Final Thoughts:

While the Hand Puppy Game offers an exciting and unique experience, it has room for improvement. The game's duration is currently short, taking only seconds to conclude. The utilization of the heart rate sensor for timing may need refinement as the effect of heart rate on time is not always evident. The data from the flex sensors could be more accurate and steady, as there are instances where one character can move while the other cannot. Additionally, wear and tear on the lion puppet's flex sensor have made it more challenging to move the lion character compared to the rabbit.

The Hand Puppy Game presents an intriguing concept that combines the physical and digital worlds, offering a new way to engage players in interactive and suspenseful gameplay. Future developments in this project may lead to a smoother and more immersive gaming experience.

Final P5.js CodeArduino Code.

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